Resources FILTERED

Finding Inspiration: Digital Citizenship Live Keynote

This on-demand workshop from the INLearning Partnership features Kat Crawford, executive director of digital innovation for the Schlechty Center and...

Safe and Secure - Questions to Ask Before Selecting Digital Tools and Apps

Join Jessica Zepik, Media/eLearning Specialist at South Madison Community Schools, as she shares easy ways to quickly evaluate a tech tool or app to...

Discovery Education: Daily Learning Activities

Finding high-quality, ready-to-use activities from trusted sources is a significant win in the teaching world. With Daily Activities...

Digital Compass for Teaching Digital Citizenship

Knowing how to be a good digital citizen is critical in today's world, but teaching how isn't always easy. Digital Compass, a free resource from...

Digital Citizenship: 10 Videos for K–5 Classrooms

From an early age, students need to start learning healthy media habits. In this resource, Common Sense Education has created and curated ten...

Digital Citizenship Week with Common Sense

Digital Citizenship Week is a great time to spotlight topics that impact our students' social and emotional well-being and leave a lasting footprint....

Distraction Free YouTube Videos

Are you wanting to assign a YouTube video to your students but don't want the ads, distractions, or an unrelated video to play next?...

Copyright and Fair Use

Copyright law can be confusing. This video from Common Sense Media explains copyright and gives examples of how online material can and cannot be...

Creating Accessible Social Media Posts

Ensuring that our learning materials are accessible for all students is always important, but even more so when many digital forms of instruction are...

Common Sense: Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Protecting your personal data on the internet is a vital skill for students to understand. These interactive lessons and activities from Common Sense...

Creative Commons Guide for Copyright and Fair Use

It might seem like any photo we want to use for a cool lesson or project is just a Google search away, but that isn't true. If we adhere to the rules...

Cybersecurity Knowledge Quiz

How much do you know about cybersecurity?Test your knowledge on cybersecurity topics and terms by taking this 10-question quiz. When you finish, you...

Civics with Minecraft

In this video, elementary students explore some of the following questions using Minecraft:How do we build a perfect community?What does a "perfect"...

Chromebooks in Kindergarten

Can you really use Chromebooks in...kindergarten?  Yes!  This resource, from four primary-level educators in Newington Public Schools,...

3 YouTube Safe Viewing Options

What do we do when we find the perfect video for our students, but we fear users' comments, ads, or additional content viewable in the margins? This...

Chrome App Hub

Now that student Chromebooks can utilize Android Apps, the need for educational review and privacy/policy checks is more important than ever. ...


Scheduling meetings and coordinating calendars can be a pain. Try Calendly, which allows others to select a time that works best for them. Check out...

Beyond Digital Citizenship: Cybersecurity for All

Did you know cybersecurity is NOT just for our IT department? Cybersecurity touches many areas of Digital Citizenship and takes students further...

Be Internet Awesome with Google

Google's Be Internet Awesome curriculum provides incredible resources to teach digital citizenship in your classroom. The curriculum is ready to go,...