Resources FILTERED

HyperDocs vs. Documents With Links

A common misconception many people have when they first learn about HyperDocs is that it's just a document with hyperlinks.  In actuality, true...

Using ClassroomScreen to Focus the Room

ClassroomScreen is an amazing freemium tool that can make tasks such as starting the day, transitions, and independent work much easier and...

9 Games To Help Your Child Develop and Improve Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is where so much of our learning and growth happens. When we reflect, we consciously think about our thoughts, feelings, and actions....

Kids Listen

Learning auditorially from a podcast is becoming more and more popular amongst adults. What about our students, however? Kids Listen an...

MindMeister: Create Your First Mind Map Tutorial

Mind mapping is generally not seen as a new concept. However, MindMeister takes this concept to a whole new level by making mind mapping...

Manipulatives: Solve Me Math Mobiles

Research confirms that using math manipulatives engages students and provides deeper understandings. However, traditionally, these tools can be...

bulb Digital Portfolios

bulb is a freemium global web-based hub where users evaluate the meaningful works they have created and showcase their highlights by bringing in all...

LightSpace App

Are you looking for an app that will allow your users to create and work with augmented reality? The LightSpace App is taking AR to a whole new...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Programs and Algorithms

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Networking and Communication

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Data and Information

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack Indiana's K-8 Computer...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Computing Devices and Systems

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Impact and Culture

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...

Interactive Maps with ZeeMaps

If you're looking for a way to easily create, publish, and share interactive maps, ZeeMaps is the perfect tool. Construct visualizations of...

Google Sheets: Query and Import Range

Are you ready for the ultimate time-saver? Blending Sheets' Query function with the Import Range function can have Sheets import specific data from...

Google Sheets: Query Function

Have you ever looked at a spreadsheet of data and had trouble viewing everything at once? Perhaps you wanted to pull out one student's data in...

Gmail: Writing an Email

The Global Google Educator Group has created a series of video tutorials for students covering various Google topics called the Google Junior...

Gmail: Archive & Label Emails

With all the emails coming into your inbox daily, it can be tough to stay organized. This short video tutorial will show you how to archive and label...

Getting Started with Scratch

Scratch is an online community that allows students to create stories, games, and animations using simple block-based coding language. It's a great...

Get to Know Computational Thinking

Have you used computational thinking today? In this introductory resource from edtech educators @TeamBond and @WeverWorld, learn more...