
English Learner Quick Start Guide

This guide from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) serves to streamline the onboarding of new staff members who will work with English...

WIDA Can Do Name Charts (9-12)

This chart allows educators to track students by their level of English language proficiency.

WIDA Can Do Name Charts (6-8)

This chart allows educators to track students by their level of English language proficiency.

Comparison WIDA Frameworks

High-Level Comparison of WIDA Standards Editions From 2004 to 2020.

Indiana WIDA Standards 2020 Rollout

This outline is intended to serve as a roadmap for Indiana schools as they incorporate the 2020 Edition of the WIDA Standards within daily...

Indiana Academic Impact & Recovery Data

Presentation slides about Indiana's Academic Impact & Recovery Data from the 2021-2022 ILEARN.

Office of Student Support and Accessibility Webpage

Indiana Department of Education website for Office of Student Support and Accessibility.

IDOE English Learning and Migrant Education Webpage

Indiana Department of Education website for English Learning and Migrant Education.

Accessing IDOE Moodle

This resource guides you through how to access the IDOE Moddle. 

Moodle Single Sign-On Instructions

Learn how to sign in to the IDOE Moodle using your school email account credentials. 

Digital Learning Coach Mini Grant Information Session

This session provides information to digital learning coaches who are interested in applying for the Digital Learning Coach Mini Grant.

IDOE STEM Cert Spotlight: Edgewood Jr. High School

IDOE is proud to host Edgewood Junior High School from the Richland-Bean Blossom Community School Corporation as they share highlights about their...

Kickstarting Kindergarten Slide Deck for Administrators

This slide deck from the Indiana Department of Education shares resources related to kindergarten readiness and enrollment and the transition to...

What are Chromebooks?

If you are new to Chromebooks, or just curious about how they are different from traditional laptops, this short introductory video will help you...

Google Classroom: A New Grading Period

It's a new quarter or trimester. What do you do with your Google Classroom? John R. Sowash, a former educator and principal, advises to create a new...

Gmail Clean Up

Is your Gmail inbox like the closet you never open in front of guests? Wondering how to clean up and organize the never-ending messages? Check out...

Desktop Clean Up

Is your desktop a cluttered mess filled with downloads, shortcuts, screenshots, etc.? Let's get that organized! Consider taking a few minutes each...

Google Docs Dropdown Feature

Check out this quick tutorial from Tom Mullaney about the Google Docs dropdown feature. Learn how to use the standard options and create and...