Resources FILTERED

IEP Checklists

Fill Your IEP toolbox with Checklists for data collection, IEP meeting management, and more!Workshop Resources:IEP Checklists

SpEd Toolkit

An overview/walkthrough of the SPED Toolkit that is now available through the IDOE Office of Student Support and Accessibility.Workshop...

Audio Journaling with mote

If you've ever wished student journaling felt more authentic or more accessible, mote may be just the tool you've been waiting for! Mote is a...

Special Education Quickstart Guide

This guide from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) serves to streamline the onboarding of new staff members who will work with students with...

Special Education Toolkit

The Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE’s) Special Education Program Evaluation Toolkit is designed to support local educational agencies...

IEP Goal Writing for the Real World

Learn the “Double Check” strategy for IEP goal writing so you can “Double Down” on what’s most important.January Get Your Teach on series.

Conflict Resolution

This workshop, with Catherine Whitcher, explores the five questions you need to ask when conflict arises.December Get Your Teach On learning series

Partnering with Parents

Catherine Whitcher leads this workshop, from the Get Your Teach On: Special Education Educators series, will cover three strategies you can implement...

Mathematics Learning Recovery: Part 1-Content Prioritization & Planning

While students are stabilizing and recovering from the academic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators are looking for the best ways to...

6 Strategies to Help Neurodiverse Students Fully Engage in Class

In this article from Edutopia, discover tips and tips for engaging neurodiverse learners. Every classroom has neurodiverse students, and these tips...

No Mode of Communication & Supports for Indiana Schools

This joint effort between the IDOE and PATINS Project offers the opportunity to learn about the data trends in students identified with No Mode of...


This workshop explores strategies to design inclusive experiences all day long.November Get Your Teach on series.

Different Brains

Looking for news, blogs, articles, or videos based on a particular neurodiversity?Different Brains has a vast resource section, where you can find...

Differentiating with Google & Canvas

This session is a part of the Encore LIVE workshop series, highlighting some of the best sessions from the 2022 Summer of Learning...

AT to Succeed (And it Isn't Cheating): Supports for Students with SLD

This session is a part of the Encore LIVE workshop series, highlighting some of the best sessions from the 2022 Summer of Learning Conferences.In the...

Virginia Department of Education Mathematics Instructional Enhancements and Equity Diversements for Diverse Learners Infographic

This infographic provides a quick overview of instructional strategies educators can utilize with diverse learners, including those with disabilities...

High Leverage Practices in Special Education

Provided by the Council for Exceptional Children, this document provides educators with research-based practices that have been proven effective with...

PATTAN: Concrete-Representational-Abstract: Instructional Sequence for Mathematics

This short article provides an overview of the concrete-representational-abstract instructional sequence in mathematics along with suggestions for...