Resources FILTERED

Reading Mode in Google Chrome

Did you know Google Chrome can make reading easier for everyone? Reading Mode removes clutter and adjusts the text size and font, making it ideal for...

Gratitude Templates and Resources

Learners of all ages can benefit from practicing gratitude. Ana Smith, Professional Development Specialist at Five Star Tech and Kami Hero, has...

Authentic Literacy Lesson: The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Part II of Reading and Writing for Real: Teach your students the power of literacy via interviewing and listening skills, outlined in the Indiana...

An Introduction to Future Focused Early Learning Standards

This session provides an overview of the process for developing the new Early Learning Standards and explores the rationale for formalizing standards...

Science of Reading Implementation: Indiana's Priorities for Early Learning

This session shares details regarding Indiana’s Priorities of Early Literacy and recent legislation to help educators, school leaders, and literacy...

Supporting Specific Populations at Early and Elementary Levels

Viewers will learn how to support specific populations by utilizing universal supports and exploring the ULD framework. Resources and strategies are...

Meeting Students Where They Are: Data and Next Steps

This session reviews different purposes and methods of data collection. Viewers will also unpack a standard by identifying the learning progressions...

Unpacking the Early Learning Standards

Viewers will understand how to implement standards through playful learning experiences. They will also recognize how authentic assessment through...

Measuring Quality in a Preschool Program

This session will help participants explore different tools and considerations for measuring the quality of their preschool program, as well as...

Helping Your Beginning Reader At Home

Strategies for teaching reading to preschool-first graders has changed over the years. Join us to learn about best practices at home and ideas if...

Leading a High-Quality Preschool Program

Strong leadership is essential in all school programs, early learning programs are no different.  Participants will explore what leadership looks...

Taking Care of a Chromebook

The Global Google Educator Group has created a series of video tutorials for students covering various Google topics called the Google Junior...

Google Drive 101

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage system that syncs seamlessly with the Google Workspace for Education applications. Think of it as a...

Guide for Diverse Learners

We know that all learners, including educators, require different supports to be successful. From the team at Five Star, this resource provides...

Mathematics Early Learning - Grade 2 Vertical Articulation Guide

The 2023 Indiana Academic Standards Vertical Articulation Guide serves to support educators in planning instruction that builds upon foundational...

Learning Lab: Growth Hours

The Indiana Learning Lab is a great place to extend your learning while also earning credit for growing professionally. Check out this video to learn...

Funding Early Learning

The Office of Kindergarten Readiness will share information on funding streams available outside of IDOE, and how to blend and braid these streams to...

Starting the Preschool Conversation

Local education agencies looking to improve long-term student outcomes, accelerate educational progress, and close achievement gaps cannot afford to...

What Does High-Quality Preschool Look Like?

Participants will explore how quality is defined at the preschool level, and what that looks like in the learning environment.  Hear from IDOE...