Resources FILTERED

Google Docs: Print, Download, & Copy

Google Docs is a word processing tool that, while very similar in layout to Microsoft Word, has additional features that make sharing and...

Google Docs: Creating a New Doc

Google Docs is a word processing tool that, while very similar in layout to Microsoft Word, has additional features that make sharing and...

Google Docs: Adding Content

Google Docs is a word processing tool that, while very similar in layout to Microsoft Word, has additional features that make sharing and...

Supporting Secondary ELs

When the whole school comes together as a collaborative community to support secondary EL students, it creates an environment where they are engaged,...

Beyond Consuming: Interaction in Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments

Quality virtual learning, whether mostly synchronous or asynchronous, must be interactive. Students need to be able to interact with the teacher, the...

Conflict Resolution

This workshop, with Catherine Whitcher, explores the five questions you need to ask when conflict arises.December Get Your Teach On learning series

Authentic Literacy Lesson: Showing Students How to Package Their Reading into a Gift

Part I of Reading and Writing for Real: Discover ways your students can hone real-world skills and improve literacy by reading and writing to family,...

Mathematics Learning Recovery: Part 1-Content Prioritization & Planning

While students are stabilizing and recovering from the academic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators are looking for the best ways to...

Loom: Adjust Your Privacy Settings

In this resource from the Loom team, learn more about how to share your Loom video.Need a Loom account? Click here to create yours today!...

Disciplinary Literacy: Developing Fluency in Social Studies Classrooms

This workshop is one in a series of events focused on incorporating the science of reading at the secondary level to strengthen instruction in...

How I Use Fishbowl Discussions to Engage Every Student

"There may be nothing more exciting than watching students engage in a class discussion. When their eyes light up and they walk the tightrope between...

Empowering Students to Own the Assessment Process

When we think about assessment in the classroom, our minds normally focus on teachers providing feedback and assigning grades. However, empowering...

Is Creative Work Really Worth the Time in the Classroom?

"Creative work can be messy. It can be time-consuming. Teachers may wonder, 'Is it really worth the effort? Is creative work worth doing?' Letting...

9 Lesson Hook Strategies to Launch Learning

"There’s nothing wrong with diving right into learning, but a good lesson hook strategy can make all the difference when it comes to engaging...

6 Strategies to Help Neurodiverse Students Fully Engage in Class

In this article from Edutopia, discover tips and tips for engaging neurodiverse learners. Every classroom has neurodiverse students, and these tips...

Are You a Curator or a Dumper?

As digital tools and the internet become a more significant part of the learning experience, the days of the classroom teacher and the physical...

Gamify Learning with EDrenaline Rush

The gamification of learning is an educational approach that seeks to motivate students by using video game design and game elements in learning...

No Mode of Communication & Supports for Indiana Schools

This joint effort between the IDOE and PATINS Project offers the opportunity to learn about the data trends in students identified with No Mode of...

Disciplinary Literacy: Strengthening Vocabulary Instruction in Social Studies

This workshop is one in a series of events focused on incorporating the science of reading at the secondary level to strengthen instruction in...