Resources FILTERED

Digital Learning Day Double Down

Check out this fantastic group of panelists who join the IDOE Digital Learning Team in a discussion about the current landscape of digital learning...

Supporting English Learners in Virtual and Hybrid Learning

Lisa Clegg, English Language teacher from Fort Wayne Community Schools and 2022 Indiana Top Ten finalist for Teacher of the Year, shares her...

Fostering Gratitude Through Mindful Movement

In this quick and powerful session from the INLearning Partnership's Designing an Attitude of Gratitude summit, join Cassie Bever as she shares ways...

Employability Skills Spotlight: Fight for Life Foundation

Founded in 2007, the Fight for Life Foundation helps underserved youth develop the social and emotional qualities needed for success. Since that time...

Employability Skills Spotlight: Skillsline

Skillsline is the go-to platform solution for educational institutions to support young people in developing the essentially human skills they will...

Employability Skills Spotlight: Administrator Assistance

Administrator Assistance was launched in 2007 by two colleagues who understood the challenges facing modern public education including sound stewards...

Employability Skills Spotlight: DeBruce Foundation

The DeBruce Foundation is a national foundation whose mission is to expand pathways to economic growth and opportunity. The Foundation is committed...

Employability Skills Spotlight: Paramount Health Data Project

The Paramount Health Data Project (PHDP) started as an aha moment shared by a school leader, a master teacher, and two educational researchers in...

Teacher Appreciation Panel LIVE | Teacher Hacks: Time Saving Tips for Teachers

Time! It is always in short supply in a classroom. Join some of Indiana's Teachers of Year for this panel discussion moderated by Matt White, IDOE,...

Integrative STEM Education

In this session Dr. Geesa and Dr. Stith, professors at Ball State University, present on what integrative STEM education looks like, with an emphasis...

Engaging Kids with Rigorous Problem-Based Projects

Teacher of the year, Sharita Ware, will lead us through how to engage kids with rigorous, problem-based projects. This will be part of the STEM...

FERPA and Virtual Learning during COVID-19

This webinar recording, shared by the US Department of Education, is a guidance to answer questions school officials may have had concerning the...

Adapted Physical Education Games

Adapting P.E. class activities so that they are inclusive for all takes careful consideration. Luckily, there are some easy (and fun) places to...

10 Online Exercise & Yoga Classes for Your Students

The need for your children to get up and move their bodies is a crucial part of their growth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

Your questions about 3-dimensional learning answered

The 3 dimensions of the NGSS are at the heart of the instructional shifts that come with these standards. 3D learning in the NGSS represents a move...

Lost in Translation: Best Tools for EL Learners: On-Demand Workshop

Translation tools can support educators in integrating a student’s home language into instruction. This workshop, facilitated by Alisha Foor,...

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A Teacher’s Guide has created a teacher’s guide to Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In this resource you'll learn:Why use Universal Design for...

UDL Tips for Designing Learning Experiences

This resource from CAST details five UDL tips for designing learning experiences that are meaningful and challenging for all learners. Make sure to...

What Is UDL? An Infographic

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? Check out this infographic from Katie Novak to learn more about UDL and get implementation ideas for...

Leadership in Integrative STEM Education: On-Demand Workshop

Check out this session, a part of the STEM speaker series, where Ball State University professors Dr. Geesa, Dr. Rose, & Dr. Stith focus on...