Resources FILTERED

Students as Creators: Using a Green Screen: An On-Demand Workshop

A green screen is a green background that video production teams use to place visual effects later during the post-production phase. Imagine your...

Teachable Machine

Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that makes creating machine learning models fast, easy, and accessible to everyone. Check out this resource for...

Reflection Activity: Roll & Reflect

At times, it can be a struggle to fit time for reflection into a lesson. There is so much to do! Yet, I think we can all agree that including time to...


Need to convert a PDF to an image file? Perhaps you're wanting to convert a video into a GIF. With a few clicks on TinyWow, you can make it happen!...

New Year, New You: Tech Tips for 2022: On-Demand Workshop

Join the Digital Learning Team, Diana Smith, Meri Carnahan, Matthew White, & Alisha Foor, for a quick and fun session to...

Sketchnoting: An Overview

Sketchnoting, or visual note-taking, allows learners to create their own customized notes by combining images, graphics, and structure.This video...

My Wordle: Create Your Own Wordle

Have you wondered what those grey, yellow, and green boxes are that your social media friends keep posting about? They're playing Wordle! Wordle is a...

How it Started, How it's Going - Google Slides Template

Are you looking for a low-stakes, non-content activity that allows students to practice using collaborative Google Slides? Then, you have to check...

Lesson Ideas to Love

Did you know the Indiana Learning Lab has Lesson Ideas? View this on-demand workshop as guest presenter Jessica Zepik, creator of some of the many...

Craft: A Note-taking Platform

Calling all Mac and iOS users! Craft is a flexible note-taking platform similar to Google Docs that is flexible and easy to use. Check out this...

Seesaw Lessons

Are you an elementary teacher that loves Seesaw? Seesaw is a versatile tool that allows teachers to assign activities and students to respond and...

Formative Assessment: Socrative Overview

Socrative is a freemium web application perfect for formative assessment in the classroom. Using any device, students can respond to teacher-created...

Podcasting is a great way to empower students to express their ideas and share with an audience outside of the classroom or...

Math Whiteboard

Math Whiteboard is a platform made specifically for math teaching and learning. It's collaborative, intuitive, and perfect for all math...


Have you been thinking about starting a podcast? Perhaps you're looking for a podcasting platform for your students. Podbean is a great option!...

10 Green Screen Projects

A green screen is a large green backdrop placed in the background of a shot to allow for digital effects. Students and educators can leverage the...

iMovie Support

iMovie is a video editing software for iOS and macOS devices. It's an excellent tool for encouraging creativity in students using Apple devices. This...

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

The Universal Design for Learning, or UDL, framework guides the design of instructional goals, assessments, methods, and materials that can be...

GooseChase Scavenger Hunts

GooseChase is an online platform that helps you run real-world scavenger hunts. In this video, you'll get a quick overview of the tool and how easy...

HyperDocs vs. Documents With Links

A common misconception many people have when they first learn about HyperDocs is that it's just a document with hyperlinks.  In actuality, true...