Resources FILTERED

HASTI 2022: Claim, Evidence, & Reasoning

Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc., or HASTI, will be held on February 13-15, 2022. This PDF shared by Dr. Eimear...


Are you a teacher searching for an interactive way to connect your students remotely? Perhaps you're looking for a digital solution to a gallery...

HASTI 2022: Accelerated Learning in the Science Classroom

Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc., or HASTI, will be held on February 13 - 15, 2022. This presentation by Dr. Eimear Towler, Senior...

Exit Tickets

Exit tickets can be used for many things: quick assessments, content review, and much more. Check out this Ditch the Textbook resource,...

Problem-Based Learning with 3-Act Tasks

Are you looking to hook your students when it comes to mathematical problem-solving? Leveraging Graham Fletcher's 3-Act Tasks is a terrific way to...

Expeditions Pro

Are you looking for a platform to replace Google Expeditions? Expeditions Pro is a great alternative! Currently only available through the Google...

It All Starts With a Plan: Priorities & Best Practices for STEM Integration: On-Demand Workshop

Enjoy this workshop where Jake Koressel, IDOE Computer Science Specialist, reviews the IDOE STEM plan priorities and best practices for integrated...

Seesaw Lessons

Are you an elementary teacher that loves Seesaw? Seesaw is a versatile tool that allows teachers to assign activities and students to respond and...

National Geographic Resource Library

National Geographic Education offers thousands of free resources to create immersive experiences for your classroom. This Lab resource hosts a...

Indiana's Priorities for STEM Education

If you're looking for guidance on STEM instruction, Indiana’s Priorities for STEM Education can assist. Created by the Indiana Department of...

Indiana's Priorities for STEM Education: A Two-Pager

If you're looking for guidance on STEM instruction, Indiana’s Priorities for STEM Education can assist. Use this Learning Lab resource to gain an...

Math Whiteboard

Math Whiteboard is a platform made specifically for math teaching and learning. It's collaborative, intuitive, and perfect for all math...

10 Green Screen Projects

A green screen is a large green backdrop placed in the background of a shot to allow for digital effects. Students and educators can leverage the...

Kids Listen

Learning auditorially from a podcast is becoming more and more popular amongst adults. What about our students, however? Kids Listen an...

Manipulatives: Solve Me Math Mobiles

Research confirms that using math manipulatives engages students and provides deeper understandings. However, traditionally, these tools can be...

LightSpace App

Are you looking for an app that will allow your users to create and work with augmented reality? The LightSpace App is taking AR to a whole new...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Programs and Algorithms

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Networking and Communication

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Data and Information

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack Indiana's K-8 Computer...

K-8 CS Standards Video: Computing Devices and Systems

In this video courtesy of Keep Indiana Learning and the Indiana Department of Education, join Kevin Schamel to unpack...