Resources FILTERED

Student Accountability and Engagement: Elementary

When we empower students as conversationalists we invite them to the table to share their knowledge. Let's learn strategies that will guide students...

Gamify Learning with EDrenaline Rush

The gamification of learning is an educational approach that seeks to motivate students by using video game design and game elements in learning...

Educator Series: 2022 Grade 5 Science Standards & Frameworks

Join members of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) STEM Team and expert educator Ryan Mitchell to learn more about the 2022 Grade 5 Science...

Unlocking Student Creativity

This session is a part of the Encore LIVE workshop series, highlighting some of the best sessions from the 2022 Summer of Learning...

Implementing the Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices: An On-Demand Workshop

Dr. Mike Steele, Math Education Consultant, leads us through the implementation of the eight effective mathematics teaching practices and best...


FutureMe is a platform that allows visitors to write emails to their future selves. Users can send emails one year, three years, or five years in...

Templates for Teaching Littles

Check out this curation of resources for early childhood educators from the teachers at Innovating Play. These templates are organized into...

Eduprotocols: Frameworks for Student Creation & Quick Feedback

This session is a part of the Encore LIVE workshop series, highlighting some of the best sessions from the 2022 Summer of Learning Conferences.In...

5E Instructional Model

The 5E Model of Instruction includes five phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate (Extend), and Evaluate. It provides a carefully planned...

Explore - Explain - Apply | HyperDocs Simplified

HyperDocs are student-facing digital lesson plans that help shift the focus from teacher-led lectures to student-centered learning. The Explore...

Project Zero's Thinking Routines Toolbox

Getting our learners to think critically can prove to be a difficult feat at times. Project Zero from Harvard University provides a toolbox that...

Science and Engineering Practices in 3D Instruction

Are you ready for a closer look at three dimensional learning after viewing NGSS: A 3D Approach to Science Instruction? Join IDOE STEM Team members...

Disciplinary Core Ideas in 3D Learning

Are you ready for a closer look at three-dimensional learning after viewing "NGSS: A 3D Approach to Science Instruction"? In this workshop, IDOE STEM...

Mote + Pear Deck for Student Responses

In this resource from Stacy Roshan, learn how to collect student audio responses using Mote within a Pear Deck presentation! (Hint: it's as simple as...

Meta Engineer for the Week

Meta's Engineer for the Week is a free program that introduces engineering to learners (ages 11-18) historically underrepresented in STEM. Over 15-20...

The Tarot Cards of Tech

This resource is an interactive website called "The Tarot Cards of Tech." Artefact created this tool to inspire important conversations...

24 Digital Breakout Tools

Digital breakouts or escape room activities are a great way to engage students in their learning. Amanda Fox has created this interactive Canva...

Google Forms: Create a Digital Rubric with Autocrat

This resource from Hello Teacher Lady provides step-by-step instructions for how to generate a digital rubric with Google Forms and Autocrat.Google...

Create Infographics with Venngage

Create beautiful interactive infographics with Venngage! Sign up for free to use templates and make your data come to life. in this resource learn...

Getting Started with Screencast for Chromebooks

Make video creation capabilities available to everyone in your class with the Screencast app built into Chrome OS on Chromebooks. Educators can...